
Boycott! Supports the Dock Workers Union in Sweden


June 22, 2010

Dear members of the dock workers union in Sweden,


We have heard of your decision to initiate a blockade against all Israeli transfers to and from Swedish harbors between the 23rd-29th of June, 2010. As Israeli citizens and residents, we are aware of the message these actions send to the Israeli society. Israelis who have so far lived in a bubble disassociated from the way they are perceived by the world outside will not be able to ignore this protest. For too long Israel has been treated by the outside world in a way that has allowed it to ignore international law in a most dangerous way, to both the Palestinians, to itself and citizens, and to the area as a whole. This continuous failure of the outside world to question Israeli policies has allowed Israelis to view the practices of its government as legitimate. Hopefully, actions such as yours, which profile Israel together with other non-democracies with fascist and racist agendas, will function as a wake-up call. Facts reported by a recent article in the Israeli paper Maariv give us hope that we are getting close to achieving just that. 

Boycott! Praises The Pixies Cancellation Following Flotilla Raid


June 6, 2010

Boycott! praises The Pixies for their decision to cancel their concert in Tel-Aviv, Israel, following Israel's brutal raid on the recent Freedom Flotilla and its massacre on the Mavi Marmara ship. This attack and its maintaining of the life-costing and illegal siege on Gaza has demonstrated once more what we've stated in our appeal to the Pixies three months ago - that an attitude of “business as usual” to Israel is indeed lethal.

Thank You Letter to Gil Scott Heron From Over 50 Organizations


Dear Gil Scott-Heron,

The undersigned artists and organizations would like to commend your principled stance on Israeli apartheid.

By announcing the cancellation of your scheduled performance in Israel, you join the growing ranks of artists of conscience in solidarity with Palestinian civil society. As you recognized in your iconic anti-Apartheid anthem “Johannesburg,” when “brothers over there are defyin’ the man…they need to know we’re on their side.”

BOYCOTT! supports appeal to Greek musician, Demis Roussos


 April 25, 2010

Association for Solidarity with the Palestinian People - Intifada


Dear supporters of the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation,

We are of citizens and residents of Israel, members of BOYCOTT! Supporting the Palestinian BDS call from within, who are struggling to end the Israeli occupation and oppression of the Palestinians. We are writing to you in order to support your courageous appeal to Greek musician, Demis Roussos (who is scheduled to hold a concert in Tel Aviv on the 6th of May 20101) to refrain from performing in Israel until it abides by international law, ends the occupation of the Palestinian territory, and stops treating its own Palestinian citizens with institutionalized discrimination.2

they need to know we're on their side, a letter to Gil Scott Heron


Dear Gil,
We are members of an Israeli group called Boycott! which supports the Palestinian unified call for boycott divestment and sanctions(BDS) from Israel. We are appealing to you because of the respect we have for the work you have done for peace which has also inspired others to do the same.

Letter of Support to Our Friends in the BDS Movement in France


English after French

April 14, 2010


Nous sommes des citoyens israéliens. Nous voudrions exprimer notre soutien à nos amis en France qui défendent l’appel palestinien au Boycott, Désinvestissement et Sanctions (BDS) internationales à l’encontre d’Israël. Nous aimerions insister sur le fait que prendre part à une activité de cette sorte n’est d’aucune manière discriminatoire, antisémite ou raciste, mais qu’il s’agit bien au contraire d’une action basée sur les valeurs universelles de liberté, d’égalité, de respect des droits de l’homme, ainsi que sur le droit international.

Letter of support of UC Berkeley SJP


April 5, 2010
Dear Friends at UC Berkeley SJP,
Two weeks ago news of the vote to divest UC Berkeley from companies that provide military support for the Israeli occupation has reached us here in Israel. Like many who have been working hard to liberate Palestine and restore justice to Palestinians, we were very happy to hear of your decision.


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